Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ripple Effect

My grandfather often says that water fascinates him. He’s always loved fishing and swimming, and going to the ocean is a favorite pastime. As strange as a fascination with water might sound, the more I think about it, the more I have to agree with him. When I visit my family in VT, there is nothing more calming throughout the night than the sound of the running river in their back property. A couple weeks ago, I went on a camping trip. My favorite part was the small waterfalls that I found deep in the forest (see photography). But as I think about it, the beauty doesn’t strike me as much as the nature of water. Given a level and enclosed area, water takes on a still, quiet form such as a pond. Throw in a decline and some gravity, and you easily have a rushing river. It can give life, or be an agent of destruction. Water is something of potential.

People fascinate me. When I was a teen, I couldn’t wait to finish school and go out skateboarding with my friends. Friends play a huge part of my life now. I love going out with friends for a cup of coffee or to hear some live music. I even still enjoy an occasional skate session. I also love meeting new people. Each person has a unique story and personality. I’ve always prided myself in my diversity of friends. I think what fascinates me most about people is their nature. And like water, everyone has potential.

The question is what kind of potential do we want to reach? Most of the time, we prefer the safe, stable environments. Environments where we only interact with people we’re comfortable with, opportunities we manage, and beliefs we understand. We maintain these things with such consistency and control that we become entrenched in our routines and mindset. And like a still and quiet pond, any disturbance in the water is unwanted.

But the problem with this life style is that it lacks motion. Motion is what changes us and impacts people. It means breaking out of our norm to reach someone in need or to learn something new. These actions always involve risk though. The risk of losing balance, moving in the wrong direction, and expending energy all come with it. To be moved to action means risking that ripple of disturbance in our comfortable environment. But that ripple is exactly what we need in our still, quiet “ponds.” The ripple effect is a truly awesome phenomenon. It only takes one small stone to create a huge effect on the surface of the water. The waves continue to expand outward, until they reach the outer edge of the water.

Our actions can be likened to the ripple effect. Our personal growth and our impact on others start with one small action that leads to wider results. Actions such as these can affect others in ways that we cannot even see. But they never would have occurred without an initial break from what we are comfortable with. We have the potential. Now there must be motion. And comfortable, stable environments are the ultimate motion killer. We have to be willing to evaluate ourselves. Will we be satisfied with our lives at a stasis, or will we be moved to create a ripple effect with our lives?


  1. Hey man,

    Love it. Not only did you write about it but it's you. You stop and buy homeless people dinner and you move down to brooklyn for the summer. You live out the ripple effect steve. Truly an example to follow. Have fun in the BK.
